"We are incredibly grateful and honored to receive this award for the Company service!
Our Mission goes on and beyond! not only to our community at our Shop locations but
to the farmer's children our brand is able to contribute to. This recognition motivates us, to continue striving for making meaningful difference in the world.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our Cefetecol's Community for their unwavering support, this recognition is for all of you! "

(From Bergen County News) By Casey Abline. Published July 22, 2023, at 11:04 AM
Hackensack, NJ - The County of Bergen held a ceremony and flag-raising on Colombian Independence Day on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, in the Commissioner's Public Meeting Room at One Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack.
On July 20, Colombians remember the liberation of their country from Spanish colonial authority, which came about after 300 years of colonization and gave rise to the region's.
first constitutional government.
2023 Colombian Independence Day Community Service Award Recipients: Diana Castenada, Emergency Room Social Worker, Bergen New Bridge Medical Center Officer Brandon Goez, River Edge Police Department Mat Hernandez, Northern Highlands Regional Board of Education Trustee ELEO & ANGELICA Gonzalez, Coffeecol, Julian Castello, Villa de Colombia, Hackensack Daniel Ruiz Lince, Student, Bergen Community College Nicholas Vergel, Open Door Community Center, South Hackensack Guillermo Reyes, North Jersey Vineyard Church, South Hackensack